Our History - McKesson Canada
A Leading Diversified Healthcare Provider
McKesson Canada is a leading diversified healthcare provider supporting Canadians’ healthcare needs, from frontline pharmacy care and working with manufacturers to help patients navigate the complex healthcare system, to distributing more than one third of all medications in Canada and more. McKesson Canada’s history and heritage dates back to the early 1900s. What started out as a national drug company has now evolved into one of the most dynamic healthcare companies in the country.

McKesson took the strategic decision to sell Rexall Pharmacy Group Ltd. and Well.ca. That transaction closed on December 30, 2024, marking an important milestone for McKesson Canada’s future, enabling us to prioritize investments to scale our core services and grow our biopharma services.
McKesson Canada modernizes its distribution centres into technologically leading, state-of-the-art facilities in Western Canada, expanding capability and ensuring capacity for the long term. The significant investment showcases McKesson Canada’s commitment to supporting Canada’s medication delivery infrastructure and expected needs of the aging and growing Canadian population.
Community pharmacy becomes even more important to the health of Canadians, as expanded professional scope, including pharmacist prescribing rights for minor ailments, rolls out in provinces including Ontario and BC. McKesson Canada proudly supports community pharmacy to continue to practice to its full potential.
Rexall opens its first pharmacist-led clinic in Sherwood Park, Alberta; a new model of care in the community.
Well.ca opens its first distribution centre in Western Canada, its second in the nation.
McKesson Canada's INVIVA meets Accreditation Canada’s Qmentum Accreditation Program requirements to become the first and only accredited national private infusion clinic network in oncology.
The first reported case of COVID-19 in Canada is reported. McKesson Canada quickly establishes itself as an essential partner to government, healthcare providers and manufacturers in COVID 19 vaccination distribution.
Community pharmacy establishes itself as vital to the vaccination program, with pharmacists administering vaccinations across the country.
McKesson Canada acquires PDCI Market Access, enhancing McKesson’s consultancy and market access offering for manufacturers and partners.

McKesson Canada's INVIVA clinics receive accreditation from Accreditation Canada, recognizing patient focus, high patient satisfaction and consistent adherence to high quality clinical practice.
McKesson acquires GMD Distribution Inc., expanding McKesson Canada's specialty distribution footprint and marking its leadership in hepatology and ophthalmology.
McKesson Canada announces the acquisition of Uniprix, a leading healthcare destination in Quebec with 330 pharmacies.
McKesson Canada acquires Well.ca, a growing health and wellness retailer, bringing an offering of online commerce capabilities and a digital experience to its retail assets.
McKesson Canada introduces BlistAssist®, a revolutionary approach to improving the manual preparation and verification of medication blister cards through a software-driven solution.
McKesson completes the acquisition of Rexall Health, comprising of 470 retail pharmacies.
McKesson Canada acquires the Remedy’sRx banner, the fastest-growing independent pharmacy network in Canada. Combined with the earlier acquisitions of Groupe PharmEssor, The Medicine Shoppe, and independent banners Guardian and I.D.A., McKesson Canada is now the largest network of independent pharmacies in Canada.
McKesson Canada’s Telecare service achieves Accreditation Canada accreditation with Exemplary Standing – becoming the first private service to receive this designation.
McKesson Canada creates INVIVA, a nationwide specialty infusion clinic, after the acquisition of AIM and BioClin Health Care Inc.
McKesson Canada acquires independent banner and franchise businesses of Katz Group Canada Inc.: The Medicine Shoppe, Guardian and I.D.A.
The acquisition of Specialty Care and Patient Direct, McKesson Canada becomes the largest specialty pharmacy in Canada.

McKesson Canada’s Specialty business is created after the acquisition of Phase 4 Health Inc., a Canadian company that offers consulting, clinical trials, and patient support services to the pharmaceutical industry.
McKesson Canada creates McKesson Logistics Solutions and adds the PACMED line of high-speed unit dose packagers to its automation offering, through acquisition of a Montreal-based provider.
Medis adopts the McKesson Canada name and a new brand is introduced.
PharmaClik®, McKesson Canada’s online ordering platform, is launched, and goes on to become Canada’s largest B2B site (based on dollar volume.)

Medis Health and Pharmaceutical Services acquires the distribution services of Drug Trading Company.
McKesson Outsource Logistics is created to offer third-party logistics to Canadian manufacturers in the pharmaceutical, healthcare, and cosmetics industries.
Medis Health and Pharmaceutical Services acquires Quebec’s Focus Pharmaceutical Group.
McKesson Corporation in San Francisco finalizes acquisition of 100 percent interest in Medis Health and Pharmaceutical Services.

Medis Health and Pharmaceutical Services' sales reach $1.1 billion.
National Drug Limited changes its name to Medis Health and Pharmaceutical Services.
The National Drug name is changed to National Drug Limited. National Drug Limited continues to grow, acquiring Southwestern Drug Limited of British Columbia.

Quebec-based Provigo takes control of M. Loeb and its subsidiaries.
M. Loeb acquires a controlling interest in National Drug.
National Drug flourishes with manufacturing and distribution activities and lists as a publicly traded company.
The eastern division of National Drug and Estey & Curtis merge their operations under the new name of Eastern Drug Services (EDS). With the acquisition of Halifax-based pharmaceutical distributor Provincial Wholesale Drugs, EDS became the largest pharmaceutical wholesaler in the Atlantic provinces.
National Drug continues its growth, acquiring Western Drug in British Columbia, McMurdo Wholesale Drug Company in St. John's, and Top Drug Mart Distribution in Toronto.

National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada initiates the operational integration of 19 wholesale drug companies and 13 retail stores. The company acquires Manitoba’s Drugs Limited, opening branches in Regina, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg. It also acquires Maritimes-based The Canadian Drug Company, merging it with the Halifax, Saint John, and Sydney subsidiaries.
Bale, Tinling, and Wardleworth merge and acquire 13 additional companies, leading to the creation and incorporation of the National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada — affectionately known as Na-Dru-Co, or National Drug, headquartered in Montreal, Quebec.
In the early 1900s, David Bale, Charles W. Tinling and Theo Wardlerworth share a vision for a national drug company.